Whatsapp Marketing – How is it beneficial for your business?

In a growing world of Digital Marketing, WhatsApp comes as a superhero, and helps expanding your businesses and meet marketing targets.

Over the decades what has become the most efficient way of communicating with friends and family? For all smartphone users, it has to be some messenger app. The most popular one being Whatsapp. Replacing pricey messenger, Whatsapp has provided its users with an affordable and user- friendly interface to interact with one another.

Knowing about Whatsapp

A safe cross- platform mobile application, provides customer security with encrypted messages. Whatsapp was founded by Brian Acton and Jan Koum in 2009 but was recently taken over by the Multi- national company, Facebook for worth $19 billion. Although there have been rumors that Whatsapp might disclose its valuable customer database with Facebook, nothing as such has been seen.

Allowing its users to share media rich bulk messages, Whatsapp has become one of the fastest growing and leading online marketing trend.

What is Digital Marketing?

From growing a concept to eventually converting it into a commodity and successfully making it reach the hands of customers is known as Marketing.

With 4.5 trillion online ads, Data- Driven Marketing or Digital Marketing is a form of marketing which uses digital media for meeting its targets. Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Email Marketing, have become one of the best approaches in meeting marketing targets and flourishing any company.

Here are 5 major Benefits of Whatsapp Marketing:

  1. Increased Customer Engagement, Support, and Feedback

With an increased response rate of 40% as compared to old school marketing techniques, Whatsapp also guarantees a direct communication between the marketer and the customer. Not only can customer’s clear their doubts regarding any service but also provide relevant and valuable feedback to the firm. Also because of its widespread reach with over 1 billion active users per month, it is one of the most effective platforms for customer support.

  1. Enhancing the Brand Image

Low- cost brand management, is the highlight of Whatsapp Marketing. Budding businesses or those developing their businesses on a low scale are extremely benefited from Whatsapp, as it provides a cheap communication media be it internally or externally. Whatsapp also develops a positive brand identity, creates awareness about the same, and positions the brand according to the current trend in the market.

  1. Promotions and Marketing

The new future of normal texting application in all smartphones, Whatsapp enables businesses to send media rich bulk messages which include- texts, images, audio, video, brochures, and even discount vouchers to appeal to the customers more than any other marketing technique.

  1. Team functionality

With team workers resisting to learn a new software for the enhanced functionality of the team in any company, employers sought to Whatsapp. An application which employees already use for the daily purpose can also be used for work purposes alternatively. Having Sales Department Group, Marketing Department group etc makes the functioning of any firm easier.

  1. Market Survey and Strategising

Following the Competitive Streak, companies have started using Whatsapp as a platform to hold contests. From sending entries to receiving orders, Radio Stations have even used it as a platform for Talent Hunt!

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