Using Whatsapp for Marketing

What is Marketing?

In order to move a commodity or a service from a basic concept to reach the hands of a customer, a management process is carried out. This management process is commonly referred as Marketing.

What is Social Media Marketing?

With not only increasing the website traffic, raising brand awareness, SMM also boosts interaction with the audience and creates a positive brand identity. Comprising of content planning as well as promotion, it helps to share curated links, track competitors and measure the success of one’s business with proper statistics.

About Whatsapp

In 2014, since the Multi- National company, Facebook took over Whatsapp, it has gained more popularity than ever. With over 1 billion active users per month, Whatsapp has grown to become the number one messenger application.

Providing its users with a casual, user- friendly, cross- platform to share media rich bulk messages at absolutely nominal rates, Whatsapp has succeeded in replacing the normal mobile texting application.

Here are 5 major Benefits of using Whatsapp for Marketing:

  1. Increased Customer Engagement, Support, and Feedback

With an increased response rate of 40% as compared to old school marketing techniques, Whatsapp also guarantees a direct communication between the marketer and the customer. Not only can customer’s clear their doubts regarding any service but also provide relevant and valuable feedback to the firm. Also because of its widespread reach with over 1 billion active users per month, it is one of the most effective platforms for customer support.

  1. Varied concierge services

Companies like Magic and GoButler have sent an example of Whatsapp Concierge Services. Simply texting their requests to the store, customers can get their desired items delivered at their footstep. Varied requests like booking cakes and flowers to ordering food, from offering medical consultation to even providing government services are available nowadays.

  1. Widespread reach

Compared to other Social networking messenger apps, Whatsapp is one of the fastest growing social media marketing tools. Comprising of over 1 billion active users per month, Whatsapp has replaced normal text messenger due to its cheap rates, user- oriented flexibility, and exciting features.

  1. Personal and real-time aid

Customer satisfaction is the key to any successful business. Thus, serving to each and every client in a customized manner, it ensures a long- lasting relationship. In many instances, an immediate response is required from the corporation’s end, this makes Whatsapp the most effective way to implement the same.

  1. Organizing like minded people together

Whatsapp has an amazing feature of creating groups. Marketers tend to cease the opportunity and build an interactive community of people with a common background, be it belonging to the same residential are, or having kids in the same age range. In addition to just Marketing, creating this kind of groups helps organize people for a meeting, event, or any cause.

With Social Media Marketing touching new heights, companies like Tejarat provide effective Whatsapp Marketing solutions, with the introduction of software like- Whatsapp Turbo and Group Turbo. Gradually becoming the foremost choice of all businesses all over the world, Whatsapp Marketing is proving to be a genuine way of brand promotion.


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